The Mayflower Passengers
The Mayflower carried 102 passengers from England to the New World. The passengers included members of the Leiden congregation who were seeking religious freedom, along with a number of English families and individuals who were seeking a better way of life and/or financial gain. These two general groups have sometimes been referred to as the “Saints” and the “Strangers”. They arrived as winter was settling in and endured significant hardships as they struggled to establish a successful colony at Plymouth.
To learn more about the Mayflower Passengers with known descendants,
please click on the Family Profile Page links on the right.
All Passengers with Known Descendants are Listed Below:
- John Alden
- Bartholomew Allerton
- Isaac Allerton
- Mary (Norris) Allerton
- Mary Allerton
- Remember Allerton
- Elinor Billington
- Francis Billington
- John Billington
- William Bradford
- Love Brewster
- Mary ( ) Brewster
- William Brewster
- Peter Browne
- James Chilton
- Mrs. James Chilton
- Mary Chilton
- Francis Cooke
- John Cooke
- Edward Doty
- Francis Eaton
- Samuel Eaton
- Sarah ( ) Eaton
- Moses Fletcher
- Edward Fuller
- Mrs. Edward Fuller
- Samuel Fuller
- Samuel Fuller (son of Edward)
- Constance Hopkins
- Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins
- Giles Hopkins
- Stephen Hopkins
- John Howland
- Richard More
- Priscilla Mullins
- William Mullins
- Degory Priest
- Joseph Rogers
- Thomas Rogers
- Henry Samson
- George Soule
- Myles Standish
- Elizabeth Tilley
- John Tilley
- Joan (Hurst) Tilley
- Richard Warren
- Peregrine White
- Resolved White
- Susanna (Jackson) White
- William White
- Edward Winslow
If one or more of these passengers is your ancestor, we invite you to
Join the Mayflower Society!

To learn about the passengers who are not known to have either descendants or lines of descent, please view the list of Passengers Without Proven Descendants.
Only one life was lost at sea, William Butten, a young servant to Dr. Samuel Fuller. One life was lost at Provincetown Harbor when William Bradford’s wife, Dorothy, fell overboard. There was a birth at sea, a son to Stephen and Elizabeth Hopkins whom they named Oceanus. William and Susanna White’s son Peregrine was born to them when the ship was anchored at Provincetown.
When scrolling through the profiles of the passengers, you will often see the words “died the first winter of 1620/21” because half of their numbers perished the first winter. Particularly heartbreaking are the families who perished – The Tinkers, Turners and Tilleys; and those orphaned – Mary Chilton, Samuel Fuller, Priscilla Mullins and Elizabeth Tilley.
Though the crew of the Mayflower certainly made significant sacrifices in completing the journey, the Mayflower Society recognizes only those passengers who stayed to form Plymouth Colony. The crew of approximately 30 men returned to England in the spring of 1621 so no crew members are listed in our passenger profiles; and descent from a crew member does not qualify one for membership.
The following sources were used to create these Passenger Profiles (additional sources noted on each Passenger Profile):
- Mayflower Families Through Five Generations (aka, The Silver Books); various volumes dedicated to each passenger
- Mayflower Passenger References (from contemporary records and scholarly journals) by Susan E. Roser
While nearly half of the 102 Mayflower passengers who arrived on the shores of Massachusetts died during the first winter, 26 families of passengers are known to have left descendants.
Click the links below for passenger profiles.
Mayflower Family Profile Pages:
- The Alden Family
- The Allerton Family
- The Billington Family
- The Bradford Family
- The Brewster Family
- The Brown Family
- The Chilton Family
- The Cooke Family
- The Doty Family
- The Eaton Family
- The Fletcher Family
- The Edward Fuller Family
- The Samuel Fuller Family
- The Hopkins Family
- The Howland Family
- The More Family
- The Mullins Family
- The Priest Family
- The Rogers Family
- The Samson Family
- The Soule Family
- The Standish Family
- The Tilley Family
- The Warren Family
- The White Family
- The Winslow Family
- Passengers Without Proven Descendants