Are you one of the millions of Mayflower descendants in the world?
How to Join The Mayflower Society
Joining the General Society of Mayflower Descendants is a great way to honor your adventurous ancestor(s), a fun way to meet people who share your American history and a genealogical achievement not everyone can claim.
We are delighted to help you with the process!
First, you must be able to prove direct lineal descent from a passenger aboard the Mayflower who stayed on to establish the colony. Anyone who can provide evidence of direct lineage to a Mayflower Pilgrim is invited to join.
Membership at the Mayflower Society begins with one of our 54 Member Societies — there is one in each state as well as DC, Canada, Europe and Australia. You do not have to join in the state where you reside.
Taking the Next Step . . .
Are you just discovering your family lineage? Looking for tips on where to search and what information is needed?
Advanced research technology including online resources will likely help you in your lineage research.
Research Your Mayflower Lineage
Do you have a list of ancestors but you’re not sure if it really leads back to the Mayflower? You could submit this list to see if the Mayflower Society has an existing application with much of that same line. It isn’t an application but will provide more details for completing an application.
Submit a Mayflower Lineage Match Request
Have a close family member who has already joined? Do you know your lineage back to the Mayflower and have started collecting the documents to prove it? You are ready to work with a Member Society Historian to start your application.
Access Member Society Contacts
Membership Benefits
Learn more about why descendants should consider joining
Genealogy Tips and Tools
Helpful resources as you explore your family lineage
Genealogy Webinars
Short videos to help with research and application submission
Member Benefits
Learn more about why descendants should consider joining
Genealogy Tips & Tools
Helpful resources as you explore your family lineage
Mayflower Lineage Match
Find out how much of your Mayflower lineage has been previously verified
"I am honored to continue the lineage to a Mayflower ancestor and to get to know all my distant relatives when I attend Virginia meetings."
- Scott Watson,
100,000th descendant accepted into the Mayflower Society