Research Center

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The Mayflower Society Research Center

About the Research Center

The Mayflower Society Genealogy and Research Center is located just behind the Mayflower Society House at 4 Winslow Street. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to assist researchers, historians, genealogists and prospective applicants.

Behind the scenes, our Genealogy Department staff are managing the applications for membership and maintaining the Pilgrim lineages for The Mayflower Society.

Research Center Resources

Contact the Research Center Staff

To inquire about approved lineage papers, or for questions about the Mayflower Society research center, please email us at:
or phone 
(508) 746-3188 ext 11.


  • Members of the Mayflower Society may use the Research Center free of charge.
  • There is a $5 research fee for non-members.
  • There is a small additional fee for use of the copy machine.
  • Copies of approved lineage papers can be purchased for $10 (email) or $15 (mail) by using this form.
  • Members may request copies of lineage papers for free by using this form.


  • The Research Center is open:
    Monday 10-12
    Wednesday 10-3:30
    Friday 12-2

  • The Research Center is closed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.