Your attorney can help you design an estate plan that protects your family, preserves your property, and benefits the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. You can bequeath a percentage of your estate to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, a dollar amount, specific property such as antiques, or the remainder of your estate.
After signing a new will that names the General Society of Mayflower Descendants as a beneficiary, be sure to inform us so that we can welcome you to The Candlelight Circle.
Sample Bequest Language
(To be reviewed by your attorney)
“ I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Plymouth, MA., _____- percent of my net residuary estate (or the sum of $__________, or the following described property, or the rest and residue of my estate after payment of the foregoing bequests). This is an unrestricted gift and may be used to further the objects and purpose of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.”
Upon request, we are pleased to provide the necessary tax exemption letter to your attorney or financial advisor.
Useful Bequeathing Information:
- Legal Name: General Society of Mayflower Descendants
- Address: 18 Winslow Street, Plymouth, MA 02360
- Federal Tax Identification Number: 63-6005641
For more information please call the Development Office at (508) 746-3188 ext. 25 or email Candlelight@themayflowersociety.org.