Why Join The Mayflower Society?
When you join The Mayflower Society, you preserve your family’s genealogical history. You document, for generations to come, the legacy of your courageous Mayflower ancestors and the generations that followed, many who continued to demonstrate a brave and trailblazing spirit by forging paths westward throughout our nation.
For the amateur genealogist, you can take pride knowing that the gold standard in lineage societies has thoroughly reviewed and verified your family’s lineage. Your documents become a part of a vast repository available for future researchers (NOTE: documents are not available for review until 100 years after the event they record).
There are also many membership benefits once you join the society!

Membership benefits include...
- Official verification of your lineage and official Mayflower Society Membership Certificate
- Preservation of your family’s lineage and documentation
- Invitations to Society related events, such as: Triennial Congress, General Board of Assistants and the Hereditary Fortnight Breakfast.
- Access to the exclusive Members Only area of our website with reports from our committees, updates from our Governor General, Society Resources and more
- The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine delivered to your mailbox and available online in the members only area of the site
- Organized trips through The Mayflower Society to historic Pilgrim sites in the U.S., Canada, England and Holland
- Discounts in the Plymouth, MA area
- Members’ jewelry, insignia and grave markers available in our online store
- Children and grandchildren of Members are eligible to apply for scholarships
- Free tours of the historic Mayflower Society House (built by the great-grandson of Pilgrim Edward Winslow in 1754)
- Free admission to the Genealogical Research Center (by appointment)
- Discounted subscription to NEHGS website AmericanAncestors.org
- Information about Family Society partners
- Opportunities to serve in local and General Society officer positions
- First to know about new Mayflower Society publications and new items in the Mayflower Shop.
How do I join?
Membership is handled through our 54 Member Societies.
The first step in becoming an approved member of The Mayflower Society is to contact your local Member Society and work with their historian on your application.
If you would like to make an inquiry about membership, please email membership@themayflowersociety.org or call 508-746-3188.