After nearly a year of hard work and dedication by our Technology Committee, with the support of the Research Center and Administrative Teams, Executive Committee members and Committee Chairs, our new virtual front door is open and ready for visitors!
While a website serves many purposes, our new site is designed to focus on the Society’s Mission and key activities of research and education. With that focus as our roadmap, we will further engage prospective members, donors, researchers, and of course, our own members—all with a visually appealing design and easy, intuitive navigation.
You will also notice the official debut of “The Mayflower Society” as our public face, reflecting how we are so often called. Be assured, however, we are still very much the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.
We encourage you to take a few minutes and explore all that the site has to offer now. Some new features include pages devoted to the Mayflower Voyage, the Mayflower Compact, Women & Children of the Mayflower and profiles of each of the 26 Mayflower Passenger Families with descendants.
For prospective members, there is expanded content about how to join The Mayflower Society, including Genealogy Tips and Tricks and Application Do’s and Don’ts. For prospective donors, we’re highlighting our giving opportunities and demonstrating the strong impact donations have on the future of the Society and the work we’re doing.
In the enhanced Members only area, members and Member Societies have access to a comprehensive menu of unique resources and Society contacts.
And this is only the beginning! A new shop will debut soon and additional content, including more photos and videos, will be added in the weeks and months ahead.
Welcome to the new www.TheMayflowerSociety.org