Plymouth, MA (January 25, 2021) – Forensic genealogist and Chair of the Mayflower DNA Project, Bonnie Wade Mucia has been appointed Director of the Silver Books Project by General Society Mayflower Descendants (GSMD) Governor General Jane Hurt.
“We are fortunate to have the vast expertise and talent that Bonnie offers us,” said Governor General Jane Hurt, GSMD. “With her knowledge of DNA, it allows the society to unite the ‘Mayflower DNA Project’ with the ‘Silver Books Project’, both of which she will lead.”
The most prestigious genealogy organization in the world, the Mayflower Society maintains a lineage database that goes back to the 1620s and earlier. Its research is well respected and cited as proof for genealogy organizations the world over.
Born and raised in Rhode Island and later Massachusetts, Mucia now resides in South Carolina, where her forensic genealogy focuses on New England research. Through forensic research and DNA analysis, she aids adoptees with biological origins as well as assists in cold case investigative research. She works for the U.S. Army’s Defense POW/MIA Account Agency (DPAA) Past Conflicts Repatriations Branch (PCRB) to locate and establish contact with living family members of MIA/KIA soldiers from WWII and other conflicts.
She is a contributing researcher for shows such as Finding Your Roots with Dr. Henry Louis Gates as well as other projects for PBS including documentaries and movies. An experienced speaker and lecturer, Bonnie is published in the Nova Scotia Genealogist (Summer 2019) for her work on a family lineage: The Descendants of George Wade & Freelove Condon of Granville, Nova Scotia.
“I am honored to offer my experience to GSMD,” Mucia said. “It is a natural extension of my body of work and making sure the Mayflower story is preserved as part of the American story is an important part of our mission.”
Her education includes genealogy institutes such as SLIG and IGHR and she is a graduate of Boston University’s Genealogical Certificate program. Bonnie is an alumnus of the ProGen Study Group and currently in the ICAPgen Study group working towards accreditation. She is a member of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR) and the United States Daughters of 1812.