Garden Walkway Project
Garden Walkway
The Mayflower Society’s Colonial Revival garden is the popular site of summer strolls and intimate weddings for all who appreciate the unique beauty hidden behind The Mayflower Society house in downtown Plymouth. Originally established by the affluent Willoughby family in the early 1800s and used for lavish tea parties, the garden is now the relaxing centerpiece of The Mayflower Society’s headquarters.
The Mayflower Society established the Garden Walkway Fundraising Project in 2011 and has since installed over 600 engraved, donated bricks.
We encourage members and friends to place a brick in the walkway to celebrate, honor or remember their families. The Garden Walkway Project is a wonderful way to leave a lasting memory of your family in Plymouth where the Mayflower Pilgrim ancestors established Plymouth Colony, resulting in bringing self-governance to this country. Your commemorative brick will grace our walkway in the heart of America’s Hometown for years to come.

Order An Inscribed Brick For The Garden Walkway
Inscribed bricks are available for a donation of $175 per brick. The 4″ x 8″ laser-engraved red bricks can hold three lines of text, with a maximum of 20 characters in each line. Your order, which is considered a donation, is tax deductible.
The Society accepts orders year-round and bricks are generally placed in the Garden Walkway twice per year – once in the spring and once in the fall.
Brick orders can only be made by mail at this time.
Garden Walkway Brick Index
To find where your brick is located on the Mayflower Society’s Garden Walkway, please follow the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Walkway PDF index below and find out what path and row your brick is located.
To search a PDF document on a Windows computer press Ctrl + F
To search on a Mac computer press Cmd + F
Then type your last name in the search bar that appears
Step 2: Once you have located which path your brick is located on, click on the corresponding path name below (on the map) and view exactly how your brick is inscribed on the walkway.
Main Garden Walkway
Historian Walkway
Note: If you would like a photo of your brick, please simply get in touch with our Development Office at (508) 746-3188 ext 25, or send an email to: Development@TheMayflowerSociety.org and our staff will be happy to take a photo for you.