Patriots to Passenger
As more and more information becomes available online, descendants are reaching out to connect their Revolutionary War Patriot with a Mayflower passenger. Many Daughters and Sons of the American Revolution (DAR and SAR) are asking if they also have an ancestral tie to a Mayflower passenger and are interested in learning how they may become a member of The Mayflower Society.
The Patriots to Passenger Project is a growing published list of Revolutionary War Patriots who descend from Mayflower passengers. The intent is to build a bridge between lineage societies. Many Mayflower Society members are also members of other lineage societies.
The Patriots to Passenger Project is a way to help others discover their link to a Mayflower passenger and benefits existing members with possible discovery of additional Mayflower lines of descent they can then submit as supplemental applications.
Please note: generations are only documented to the 5th generation in the Mayflower Silver Books (a few may include additional generations). Documentation beyond the first five generations may be required and proof from other lineage societies may or may not be considered acceptable by The Mayflower Society. Work with your Member Society Historian for additional information.
The project is a work-in-progress. If you have ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, please contact Muriel Cushing at 1620flash@gmail.com.
Access the Patriots to Passenger PDF Data Sheet (Updated: 12/2023)