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The Pilgrim Press contains information about the latest happenings in Plymouth, news about the Mayflower Society house, updates on the Mayflower Meetinghouse project, the latest marketing videos, exclusive online deals available through our partnerships and access to the free electronic issues of The Mayflower Quarterly Magazine.
Subscribers will receive the Pilgrim Press on a regular basis.
Questions? Do not hesitate to reach out to Communications@theMayflowerSociety.org or 508-746-3188 Ext 19.

“Notes from the Boat” is sent directly from the the Mayflower Society’s Governor General, Lisa Pennington.
This Newsletter includes: important new member benefits, some fun Mayflower history, dates for upcoming events, updates on the Mayflower Meetinghouse project and features a questions and answers section for members.
Subscribers will receive “Notes from the Boat” on a quarterly basis.