Give to the Mayflower Society
The Mayflower Society depends on the generosity and support of our members and friends around the world to carry out our mission. We invite you to help us continue reaching out to share the principles of civil and religious liberty that the Mayflower Pilgrims brought to America and to tell their story — a legacy that means so much to us and to future generations.
You may wish to make an unrestricted gift to help the General Society with our most urgent projects, or you may choose to donate to a Special Project.
An unrestricted gift to our General Fund typically provides aid to our most urgent projects. In the past, our unrestricted funds have contributed to additional Mayflower Lineage Match staff and matching grant costs for our Feasibility Study of the Mayflower Society campus. Giving an unrestricted gift and supporting our operating facilities truly provides the foundation our Society needs to uphold our mission and values.
Mayflower Society Special Projects
Mayflower Meetinghouse
The Research Center
Scholarship Program
The Silver Books
Ways to Donate to the Mayflower Society
Donate Online
To give online:
Click the Donate Now button below:
By Check
Make checks payable to:
The Mayflower Society
Mail to:
Attn: Development Office
The Mayflower Society
18 Winslow Street
Plymouth, MA 02360
Gift Securities
To gift securities:Instructions for making In-Kind Gifts of Securities to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants
Additional Society Projects
Garden Walkway
The Mayflower Society established the Garden Walkway located in the Colonial Revival Garden as a Fundraising Project in 2011. Since then, there have been over 600 engraved, donated bricks installed. We encourage members and friends to place a brick in the walkway to celebrate, honor or remember their families.
Mayflower Society House
Gifts toward the Mayflower Society House help preserve, protect and interpret The Mayflower Society House property, the Research Center, its surrounding gardens and a sizeable collection of decorative arts, antiques and artifacts of significance not only relating to the Pilgrims, but to the historic town of Plymouth.
Governor General’s 1620 Club
The Governor General’s 1620 Club Membership is a designation given to The Mayflower Society’s donors who give at the level of $1,620 or more per year. These donations are designated for special projects that would not otherwise be supported.
1620 Club donors receive an exclusive 1620 Club pin, and an invitation for two to the Governor Geral’s annual tour, followed by the 1620 Club Banquet.
Candlelight Circle – Planned Giving
The Mayflower Society has partner with FreeWill, an online tool that guides you through the process of creating your will or trust. It’s easy to use, accessible online, and can be completed in 20 minutes.
After signing a new will that names the General Society of Mayflower Descendants as a beneficiary, be sure to inform us so that we can welcome you to The Candlelight Circle.
Annual Appeal
With your help, The Mayflower Society is taking on more projects, such as sponsoring research and publishing more Silver Books, increasing programming in Plymouth and exploring the science of DNA.
Thank You!
Thank you for your consideration in supporting our Society’s future. The Mayflower Society is fortunate to have the loyal support of our membership and civic-minded citizens throughout the world.
For more information about how you can support The Mayflower Society, send an email to the development office, or call 508-746-3188 Ext 25.