The Mayflower Society partners with the following organizations and projects to further our mission of raising public awareness and increasing understanding of the importance of the Pilgrim’s lives and legacies.
Family Society Partnerships
On the Family Societies page, you will also find information on how to join the Family Society Partnership or you can email membership services for more information.
New England Historic Genealogical Society

The Mayflower Society has partnered with the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS) to offer Mayflower Society Members special discounted rates on membership. NEHGS has a growing collection of over 1.4 billion names on AmericanAncestors.org, original scholarship, and unique educational resources. If joining NEHGS for the first time, you will also receive a free, 15-minute consultation with a genealogist to help you get started! This offer is only available to members of General Society and your General Society number is required.
For more information about this offer, please log in to the Members Only section.

FamilySearch International, New England Historic Genealogical Society and the Mayflower Society partnered to digitize historic Mayflower Society member applications. This effort required digitizing more than 1 million images and creating documented descendant family trees of the Mayflower passengers now accessible online at Mayflower.AmericanAncestors.org. Please note that only deceased generations of the applications are available online.
The online collections were created from two data sources—the 30-volume “Mayflower Families through Five Generations: Descendants of the Pilgrims Who Landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts, December 1620,” also known as the Silver Books, and the documented applications for membership in the Mayflower Society submitted from 1896 to 2019. The data was merged to create a single representation for each Pilgrim and their descendants for the time period of the late 1500s to 1910.
For more information about FamilySearch, access the FamilySearch website.

In 1620, a group of 104 English pilgrims arrived in New England aboard the Mayflower. After a harsh winter, only 52 of the original pilgrims survived and founded Plymouth Colony. Their progeny today makes up some of the oldest families in the United States, and through a cooperative project with Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) and the General Society of Mayflower Descendants (GSMD), an effort is underway to match genetic descendants back to these Mayflower families.
The Y-DNA Project includes many surnames, all of which are direct descendants of the men who arrived in Plymouth aboard the Mayflower. Acceptance to the group requires a 67-marker test or higher, membership in the Mayflower Society, or a match to a Society member. Family Finder matches are also accepted. Otherwise, you will need to submit a documented/sourced pedigree to the administrator to join the project. The YDNA test results from proven descendants will be matched with YDNA tests from other proposed descendants and may include descendants from the United Kingdom.
The MtDNA Project is an all-female lineage of one of the daughters of a proven male or female Mayflower descendant. This project hopes to identify the MtDNA Haplogroup of the mothers of these descendants. This may help to establish parentage & place of origin in some lineages of women in these lines who have no paper records connecting their birth family with their marriage and children.
For more information about the FamilyTreeDNA Mayflower project, access the FamilyTreeDNA website.